We Spin, We Weave, We Supply.
We take care from the beginning till the end.


our product collections

Suzhou Rongwen celebrates a diverse collection of microfibre product, useful for all sorts of day-to-day activities.

Whether if it is cleaning furniture and house decor, wiping down kitchen benches after lovely meals, outdoor activities or sports, baths, and showers… we’ve got you covered!


microbes capturing technology

We make microfibre.

Split many times smaller than a strand of human hair, our microfibre are 1.0 denier or smaller. Our so fine fibres makes our microfibre towels, which can absorb liquid around 7-8 times its weight, your handy cleaning companion. With our towels, you'll be able to reach tiny crevasses that cotton or paper towels will awkwardly miss.



friendships that last

Our customers are vital members to the Rongwen family.

We treasure our customer relationships. They are our beloved old friends, our supportive confidants.

Thus, we strive to deliver the best quality products to our friends and family.

We believe that the key to doing business is integrity.

We are genuine, sustainable producers who are proud of the products we make. How does a speck of recyclable plastic become your beach towel, bath robe, kitchen dishcloth? It’s a fascinating adventure. Find out about our transparent production process.

transparency you can trust

Contact Us

Become a part of the Suzhou Rongwen family.

Get in touch with our team today.